Monday, 21 January 2008

To be or not to be

The world was built as we see it by entrepreneurs. States, Nations, Companies and Organisations were built by visionary leaders and exceptional persons.

The initiatives taken by these people were supported by other people. Intrapreneurs, they help actualise the dreams and the aspirations of the Entrepreneurs.

But can we all be enterpreneurs. Are some of us destined to be intrapreneurs.

What do the know and have that makes them tick. what drvies them? vision, money, ideas, a cause, to help mankind, to do something extraodinary?

What do you have to have to be one? balls, brains, brawns or what?

What is the rate of success for entrepreneurs, for every one entrepreneur that succeded, how many failed?

Is it better to take a good well paying job than to strike out on your own?

Is "being on your own" entrepreneuship?

Is there something in the DNA of people that make then have an affinity for entrepreneurship?

What does timing and market opportunity have to do with it all?

I guess to be or not to be is what we all have to consider at some point in time.

Cha Cha.

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