Tuesday, 1 January 2008

The thing about new year resolutions and more!!!

okayyyy, thank God, it's a new year. 2008 to be precise.
What can we say but be glad and happy that we made it.
As usual i suppose we have all made our resolutions or something along those lines.
Stop drinking, reduce food intake, loose some weight, become more religious or spiritual, love my mother inlaw, hate my neighbours, pass acca etc
So what is it with making and breaking resolutions.
Does the dawn of new calendar year signify the begining of new things or is it our decisions and commitments that signify new beginings?
This my friend is my take on this.
If we wait till the begining of a new year or the end of an old year to make decisions and commitments, this will pass away as soon as the euphoria and excitement of the year goes (which happens to be between the 2nd and 15th of the month of january).
If you really want to change things or make a change then do it, forget about dates and nomenclatures. just do it (nikeeeee).

Do you go to church on new years eve or did u go this new years eve?
I am amazed at how hard people pray at the 12pm juncture. its like they expect the blessings of God to immediately come down at that point and more like they don,t plan to pray anymore during the new year.
Don't mind me, just mussinggggggg.

Anyways i will copy this from a blog I visit regularly (contranianconsulting.com), hope u guys like it and all the best in the new year.

Happy 2008

May the New Year:

• Bring you the confidence to know when you’re right and to admit when you’re wrong.
• Present more discretionary time than ever before.
• Provide insights that enable you to live a more productive life.
• Heal old wounds.
• Create a brand new, impassioned hobby.
• Take you to places you’ve never seen before.
• Return you to some of your favorite places.
• Sharpen your senses so that you have fewer unpleasant surprises.
• Allow deep passions to be justified and fulfilled.
• Play the songs that take you back to the happiest times of your life.
• Make you laugh out loud, no matter who is nearby.
• Deepen your friendships.
• Foster understanding and alleviate guilt.
• Deliver three fine options for every decision.
• Allow you to taste as much wine as you dare.
• Paint an occasional sunrise and sunset that you will never forget.
• Treat you to an accolade or award from those you respect the most.
• Challenge you, so that you thrive while succeeding and learn while failing.
• Tease you with hint of even better things to come next year.
• Enable you to love without limit or restraint.

Happy New Year, to this community of enlightenment.........


Bibi said...

I am all gung ho that i have made it into this new year... Your view on new year resolution is rather cynical i must say...
Personally i have not made any new year resolution apart from wanting to be a better person which is something i resolve to do everyday..
When it comes to resolutions it is the human need to hope to be better that drives those resolution..
Did i spend new years eve in church? NO, I spent the new year's eve with my family and the love of my life.. a couple of prayers were said and the traditional bottle of bubbly was popped open.
Well to be honest, i have one secret new year resoultion which i wont divulge till the end of the year because by then i will know if i have kept it or not...............

Tuokpe said...

I kinda agree your view on resolutions was a bit pessimistic. A resolution may be seen as goal setting and the beginning of a new year just signifies an ascertainable time line or reference period. The fact that not everyone can set goals and achieve them doesn't mean you abandon goal setting as a whole. I agree with Bibi it’s about becoming a better person and the way I chose to get better is my prerogative which you may not understand. So let’s just aim to be better people in the new year and if you can only achieve that by a resolution I wish you the best 2008 has to offer.

Oluwayemisi Adedayo said...

One can't really discount the effect and significance of the emergence of a new year. It really does mark a new beginning. Whether a beginning of an end or a beginning of a beginning. Whatever the case is, It marks a new beginning.
However, the dawn of a new year should not only be a time to plan, set goals, make decisions and commitments(i'm in agreement). We all actually do this on a daily basis (consciously or unconsc iously). And this, to me is a part of the whole, i mean the bigger picture which is most often captured at the beginning of the year. Take it or take it, the calender year governs our timelines...it's almost like a natural law.
Even if We have mastered the art of planning and execution; we still build up expectations for the new year.

Happy New Year!